The Singing warrior: A Time of Confusion, A Time of Change

foto/gairloch by T O'Broin

foto/gairloch by T O’Broin

I pulled a Power Animal card this morning at breakfast. It was a Chimpanzee. Under it said: Use both your intuition and your intellect to solve the problem or get answers to your question. I had a pretty intense chat with my ‘bookeeper’ yesterday and I fought like a lion to hear about my own incapacity to stick to a budget. I had so many excuses and when she left, it haunted me for a while. A stubborness to acknowledge that the way I hold money is perhaps not the most realistic way or fighting for a balance between the spiritual path I have chosen and the real world. A very confusing time indeed. When intuition and intellect are in harmonious accord, there is nothing that we cannot do. There is no problem that we cannot resolve. The combination emerges as creative intelligence, an elegant blend of your capacity for reasoning coupled with a deep trust of your gut feelings (Steven D. Farmer Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides). The ‘key’ word is in balance. However, in these times of change and confusion, many of us do struggle with keeping the ‘balance’ and not listening to our intuition and ‘gut feeling’. In my case, perhaps I listen to it ‘too much’?? I walk the ‘real world’ and have ‘real commitments’. I begin to doubt my path on many occasions. On other occasions, I am so passionate about the path I have chosen. Yet, on paper, it comes down to debits and credits. I stubbornly refuse to believe that that is part of my life. But it is. To acknowledge the ‘way I hold money’ and all the pain and hurt around it. To acknowledge that I am entitled to a certain amount but is it given ‘unconditionally’. Do I receive wtihout anger and negative emotion? Do I give unreasonably? Do I take what I deserve? Many of these questions pose problems with many of us warriors. Are there companies who put care before money. Is the corporate world prepared to do so? Are we prepared to do so? I look down at my tax bill and honour it for what it is. An exchange of energy. I acknowledge that my creative side needs to come on board with the intellectual side. I acknowledge that I gave my bookeeper a hard time (sorry Renee). I acknowledge that I have not all the answers. I acknowledge that that’s okay too. I acknowledge that I surrender to the Higher Good, regardless of the Outcome.  I acknowledge accountability for all my actions. Yes, a time of change. Yes, a time of confusion. But, in our confusions, many discoveries are made. In our recoveries, many new ways will open to us.  Thank you for inspiring me, my fellow warriorsNamasteNiamh

About thesingingwarrior

Storyteller, author and singer, inspiring others to spear their fears and move forward towards their truth. Author of The Singing Warrior and its accompanying music and audiobook CDs. Also playwright of one-woman show based on my life.
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