The Singing Warrior: Walk your Way Home

Playing footsies

Playing footsies

I have started long walks every morning, clearing my head and making way for clarity in my life. My wonderful sister-in-law rang me last night, Emer. She is a shamanic practicioner and has been a great help on my journey.  She said to me: “Walk your way home, Niamh”. It rang a bell with me. I need to walk symbolically as well as literally with my feet. I need to touch base with who I am through the act of walking. I need to ‘come on board’ with myself and stop distracting myself with the stuff that does not matter.  My soul is yearning for the last legs of its journey. I am restless and need to focus on getting back to the last remnants of me. Is this familiar, my fellow warriors? Many of us will never take on their soul journey and will live out our lives in total denial and fear. However, those of us who dare to ‘awaken’ and follow this journey is a courageous decision. It is not for the fainthearted. I have passed many tests on this Sacred Journey and have failed many others but steadfastly continue on, surrendering to whatever appears on my path. Sometimes, our backs need to be against the wall. A wall that will not budge and we cannot move. The most difficult thing is confrontation with self. Sometimes, a tsunanami has to take place to dig out the old. Only then is there space for the new, the re-growth. I have experienced this lately very strongly. My restlessness and desperation in knowing on soul level that I must breakthrough the last remnants, hurdles of self.  I have had enough. The evidence is that it is not working. The changes need to take place. So many have already but the last change sometimes is the most difficult. The last chains of the self that hangs on to the old. The resistance, stubborness and confusion that follow. Yet, the soul knows what is neceesary to bring you on board. It cries out for you to listen and to be accountable. The most difficult hurdle, accountability totally for self. Are you ready fellow warriors? I am ready. I surrender. I know what is to be done. I am walking my way home. Home to me. Home to all that is deserving of me. I call in all my helpers. I call in all that can be of assistance. It will be an adventure. For the Highest Good, regardless of the outcome. NamasteNiamh

About thesingingwarrior

Storyteller, author and singer, inspiring others to spear their fears and move forward towards their truth. Author of The Singing Warrior and its accompanying music and audiobook CDs. Also playwright of one-woman show based on my life.
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